Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 23:1

Have you ever wished that you could walk into a store and buy literally everything you wanted? I have had those thoughts quite a few times. I’ve wished that someone really wealthy would come along and buy me every single thing I wanted.

Even though it would be nice to have everything I could want, I know deep down that it wouldn’t fulfill me. I know that desiring material things isn’t all life is about, but it sure is fun to dream, isn’t it?

Let’s check out today’s verse.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. – Psalm 23:1

When you read this verse, you might think, well, there you go, I can get everything I desire. But I don’t think that’s what this Psalm is saying. I think it’s telling us several things.

First, it describes God as our shepherd. I don’t have shepherds where I live, so it’s kind of hard for me to imagine what a shepherd does. But from what I understand, they take care of the sheep. They make sure the sheep are safe, have enough to eat, drink, and protection from danger. What an awesome picture of what God can do for us. He wants to keep us safe, and provide for us the basic things we need.

Secondly, it says we lack nothing. That doesn’t mean that you have all the toys you want, or all the shoes you could ever dream of, or the best video games. Instead, it probably means more like in God, we have the fulfillment we need. Instead of looking to things to fulfill us, we can look to God. When we make knowing God our goal in life, we find that we have all the happiness and fulfillment we need.

So today, if you’ve looked to things or even people to satisfy you, know this. God is the only one who can help you lack nothing. Knowing Him fills you in a way stuff and people never can. Look to Him, and get to know Him, and you’ll find that you really do lack nothing.

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