Think for a minute about the best concert you’ve been to. You’re cheering like a wild person because you’re so excited to finally see your favorite band. The band walks out on stage and the crowd goes nuts. There is screaming, jumping, and all kinds clapping as they begin to play their first song.
Then imagine that you’re with your friend at the concert, and your friend is trying to talk to you. You can see her lips moving, but as hard as you try you can’t hear what she’s saying. There is so much noise around you in the crowd.
This must be a lot like how Jesus must feel sometimes trying to talk to us. We’re so busy. We’ve always got a phone, iPod, or video game in our hands. We’re on constantly on social media. We make videos on TikTok, share photos on Instagram. We’re so busy and there’s so much noise in our lives that a lot of the time we make it hard to hear Jesus’s voice.
Paul said it like this in Philippians 3:8 (NLT) Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.
Paul put a lot of importance on knowing Christ. He called everything else garbage.
Knowing Christ should be the thing that we want to hear the most. So, take a look at your life. Is your relationship with Jesus is like that rock concert, too noisy to hear Him speak to you? If it is, make it a point to remove some of the distractions in your life. Make time with Jesus the main thing in your life. Take time out of your day to spend getting to know Him.