The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. – John 10:3 (NLT)
As a child of God, you have probably heard someone say that you can expect to hear His voice. But how do you get started? Well, first of all, it starts by being willing. Are you willing to listen to God’s leading? If so, then begin to ask Him to speak to you.
It’s kind of like how you can hear your mom’s voice, even if you don’t see her, and know she’s calling for you. You’ve known your mom your whole life, and as a result, you really know her voice. You know when you need to obey based on her tone, or you can tell when she’s happy all based on her voice.
The same is true when it comes to hearing from God. As you hear His voice more, and practice following Him, the more confident you get that you hear Him. So start with something small. Ask God for help with your math homework. Or ask Him for an idea on how to deal with a difficult situation with a friend. Then get quiet and still and listen. Many times, an idea will pop into your head, or perhaps you’ll see a scripture during your Bible reading time that will encourage you and be exactly what you need to hear.
Want More Tips on How to Hear from God? – Read This
These things are the leading of God. The ideas on how to deal with a situation. The encouraging scripture that helps you get through another tough day. That is God leading you. Know that He wants to lead and guide you. And the more you begin to trust that leading, the more He will lead you.
So today, realize that God wants to lead you. You’ve just got to give Him opportunities to do it. So keep reading your Bible, keep asking Him for help when you deal with difficulty. The more you give Him room to work in your life the more He will do.
Know that He loves you, He knows your name and wants to lead you every single day.
Today’s Truth: God wants to lead you.