The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. – Psalm 19:7 (NIV)
It can be easy to doubt the word of God. Especially in today’s world. TV shows portray Christianity many times as being oppressive and it seems like when a character breaks free from their Christian views, all rejoice and celebrate with them. When watching TV, music, and reading many of today’s books, we need to realize that they are ultimately trying to get us to doubt the truth found in the Bible.
If they can cause you to doubt that God’s word is true, then you will walk away from your Christian faith much easier.
The Bible is a special book. When you read it, you can tell it’s different than other books. The words contained within can challenge you, inspire you, and cause you to know and love God in a deeper way.
That’s why the devil tries so hard to stop Christians from reading the Bible and trusting its authority. When we begin to doubt the word of God, we waiver in our faith.
The word of God is perfect, it is truth, and trustworthy. So today, challenge yourself to spend time in God’s word. Trust that it is truth and that it is God speaking to you. Read it, and let it confirm to your heart that it is truth.