Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. – Psalm 119:160 (KJV)
In life, there are lots of things that can cause us to question whether God’s word is true. Perhaps you knew a church leader that did something wrong and you began to doubt God because of it. It can be really easy to let circumstances, unanswered prayer, or people cause you to doubt God.
Here’s the truth: God’s word is true from the beginning. From the first book to the last the Bible is true. However, when people that you look up to make mistakes, especially when those people are believers, it can cause you to waiver in your faith.
The problem is, people are human. They have a sinful nature, and just like you, they don’t always obey all of God’s word. Sometimes people will make mistakes, sometimes they won’t treat you right, but their treatment doesn’t make God’s word any less true.
Today’s Truth: God’s Word is True
So today, if you’ve based your faith on circumstances, people’s experiences, or anything else except for God’s word, adjust your focus. Realize that God’s word is truth. Regardless of people, regardless of circumstances, God’s word is true. So don’t let people or experiences keep you from having a deep faith, rooted in the truths found in the Bible.