So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:27 (NLT)
It’s really easy to doubt your worth. If you spend 20 minutes on Tik Tok you realize that you’re not as funny as those people, not as good at something as they are, or not as good-looking.
It’s so easy to see all the ways you don’t measure up and begin to believe the lie that you don’t matter.
Today’s Truth: You Matter.
Sometimes, one of the hardest things to do is to believe that you matter. To realize that your life is important. Why does your life matter?
It’s because of who says you matter. If you had something you thought was really valuable, you’d take it to an expert and have them tell you it’s worth. And when you found out the item’s worth you wouldn’t question it, because you had taken it to someone who was an expert and knew it’s value. In the same way, we have an expert (God) who tells us in the Bible our worth (Psalm 139:14).
But we often question what God says. We doubt that we are really worth what He says we are worth. The truth is, we matter because we are made in the image of God. God loves us and created us with and for a purpose.
This year, decide to believe what God says about you. Then make changes in your life to walk in that truth. Speak good things in God’s word over you. Remind yourself daily of your worth. You’ll be amazed at what will happen if you simply trust God and begin to believe what He says you’re worth.