I will listen to what God the LORD says; he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants– but let them not turn to folly. – Psalm 85:8 (NIV)
Have you noticed how hard it is to listen? We’re so busy. Even when we’re alone, we’re talking to a friend, listening to music, or checking social media. And while there’s nothing wrong with music, TV, or technology, they often can keep us from hearing what God will say.
It’s easy to become so wrapped up in life that we forget to listen. Forgetting to listen to God is a bad habit to get into. It doesn’t take work to be distracted and busy with life. It will take effort to get quiet and listen to what God wants to say.
The good news is that God wants to speak to you. He wants to show you things about your future. He wants to speak to you about how to deal with a difficult teacher or give you wisdom on what to say to a friend who is going through a difficult situation.
God wants to speak to you about your future if you’re willing to listen.
So today, challenge yourself to find a time to get quiet with God. Get really quiet and free yourself of distractions. Find out what God wants to speak into your life today.