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Foundations for Students – Part 3

Foundations for Students - Part 3

“I can’t hold on much longer,” I admitted, trying not to look down. 

Hiking with a friend had seemed like a great idea until we became stranded on a cliff. While my friend managed to pass the danger zone, I remained stuck with no further footholds—and time running out.

“Don’t you have a rope in your backpack?” my friend asked.

Right! I fished out the cord and tossed one end to my friend, who had a firmer grip on the cliff. Together, we worked our way to safety.

I share the rest of this story in my book for Christian students, Prepare to Thrive, explaining how, like I needed a rope connected to a grounded friend, Christian students need connections with others who are securely gripping the Rock, Jesus. A support system of these connections makes up a student’s interpersonal foundations—one of three foundations Christians need to keep their faith strong at college. (You can learn about the other two in my previous articles. Part 2

Students I’ve met around the world weave their interpersonal foundations from communities including campus ministries, biblical churches, and godly mentors. Let’s look at practical tips for getting involved with each.

Campus Ministry

The benefits of joining a campus ministry can include friendship, encouragement, prayer support, accountability, opportunities to serve, and—importantly—regular reminders that you’re not alone in your biblical beliefs. However, some students I’ve spoken with said they couldn’t find solid Christian groups. The leaders didn’t teach the Bible, or the members didn’t act like they knew Jesus. 

Joining a group with compromised doctrines or lifestyles can do your spirit more harm than good. To recognize an unhealthy group, ask:

  • Are there doctrinal issues within the leadership? 
  • How will spending time with this group impact my spiritual health? 
  • Will these relationships more likely lead me closer to God or closer to compromise

Your personal boundaries will be far easier to overstep if professing Christians around you overstep them too. The point of steering clear of such relationships isn’t to be self-righteous, but to guard your heart and relationship with God (1 Corinthians 5:9-11). 

Local Church

As awesome as campus ministries can be, peer groups alone aren’t enough. Students also need connections with the wider Body of Christ. That’s where the local church comes in. As a retired professor once told me, “Not attending church is the biggest mistake students make.”

Research suggests that students who move away to college are most likely to stay plugged into church if they find a new home church within two months. So, it’s essential to find a solid church early. What should students look for in a church? The most important must-have is solid biblical teaching. Ask, “Does this church believe, teach, and live out God’s Word?” 

Older Mentors

Churches are prime places to connect with potential mentors. A mentor is simply anyone willing to personally share valuable wisdom, knowledge, and insights to benefit someone less experienced. From what I’ve seen, students can benefit from at least three types of mentors:

  • Sages—seasoned individuals you might meet for regular discipleship. 
  • Allies—older Christians who offer informal support, whether by inviting you for lunch, chatting with you after church, or praying for your exams. 
  • Responders—people who you may not see often, but who are always available to answer questions or offer advice. 

What are some practical ways to find mentors? Here are seven ideas:

  1. Ask God to connect you with the right people. 
  2. Look for trusted Christians who you want to be like and ask if they’d be willing to meet. 
  3. Consistently attend a biblical, intergenerational church. 
  4. Intentionally get to know older adults who walk closely with God. 
  5. Find ways to serve or volunteer alongside mature Christians. 
  6. Be open to asking older Christians for prayer.
  7. Remember that books and media work like mentors too. Through (auto)biographies especially, we can be mentored by extraordinary men and women of God throughout history! On the flip side, beware of negative media influences, because we become like those we spend time with.

Solidly Connected

Ultimately, connecting with godly mentors, biblical churches, and campus ministries are three ways to build interpersonal foundations for surviving university. And the number one trait to seek in all three community types is a commitment to God’s word. By surrounding ourselves with others who seek to learn, understand, and follow Scripture—and by being such people ourselves—we can stay grounded for life on the Rock. 

There’s much more to say—enough to fill a book! Find practical tips for building strong spiritual, intellectual, and interpersonal foundations in the book, Prepare to Thrive: A Survival Guide for Christian Students. 

Patricia Engler Bio Photo

Patricia Engler is a Christian apologetics speaker, writer, and Youth Outreach Coordinator for Answers in Genesis. After 12 years of homeschool and a B.Sc. degree, she backpacked 360°around the world documenting how Christian students keep their faith at university. The top takeaways from this research are available in Patricia’s book, Prepare to Thrive: A Survival Guide for Christian Students. You can follow her stories and get connected through FacebookInstagram, and

Foundations For Christian Students – Part 2

Foundations for Students Part 2

Picture this: you’re sitting in class when the lecturer says something that contradicts Scripture—something you’ve never heard before. As everyone else nods and takes notes, you notice your heart is beating faster. What if you’re wrong about your biblical beliefs?

This scenario isn’t just imaginary. It’s what I’ve experienced firsthand as a Christian student at secular college. But we don’t only hear unbiblical messages in classrooms. Whether online, in conversations, or even at church, persuasive—but unbiblical—messages may pop up anywhere. How can we respond?

Enter, Intellectual Foundations

The answer lies in having what I’d call strong intellectual foundations—one of three personal foundations Christian students need to keep their faith strong at college, as my last article explained. 

Building intellectual foundations involves learning some basic apologetics. As the field of study which looks at why Christianity makes rational sense, apologetics helps us answer questions like, “How do we know the Bible is true? Does science contradict Scripture? How does Christianity compare to other beliefs?” (A great place to dig into these topics is 

But no matter how many apologetics answers we learn, we’re always bound to have new questions. So, we must also be able to think like apologists—to process new faith-challenging messages and arrive at biblical, logical answers ourselves. That’s where the other side of intellectual foundations comes in: biblical critical thinking skills. 

Critical thinking is all about evaluating messages to see if they’re worth believing. To give you a head start building strong intellectual foundations, let me share the critical thinking system that helped me process new messages in college. 

How I Learned to Think About ‘Facts’ That Challenged My Faith:

First, when I heard information that seemed to contradict my beliefs, I resolved not to panic. I knew God’s word is true; therefore, any message that conflicts with Scripture must be a lie. And every lie must ultimately fall apart.

With that in mind, I’d put faith-challenging information in quotation marks when writing notes in class. This reminded me that the information was just my professor’s explanation—not an absolute fact. Next, I’d flip to the back of my notebook and write down my questions about the information. This record of my questions let me follow up on finding answers later without feeling like a weight of vague uncertainties was accumulating against my beliefs.

When I had the chance, I would then filter the information through a series of mental checkpoints I call the Seven Checks of Critical Thinking:

Check Scripture: What does the Bible have to say about this topic?

Check the challenge: Does this message contradict clear teaching from Scripture?

Check the source: Who’s sharing this message? What is the source’s credibility and worldview? How did they arrive at their information? Is the information being reported accurately?

Check the definitions: How are keywords being defined? Do their meanings change?

Check for propaganda: Why does this message sound true? Is it trying to persuade by appealing to logic, or to something else like emotion, appearances, or humans’ desire for acceptance?

Check the interpretations: Which parts of this message are facts we can observe in the present, and which parts are assumptions, interpretations, or speculations about the past? What’s another way to explain the same observations from a biblical perspective?

Check the logic: Are there any other errors in reasoning that should make me think twice before believing this message?

This seven-step framework helped me respond biblically to almost all the faith-challenging information I encountered in college. But sometimes, I still had unresolved questions. That’s when I’d have to give God my remaining questions, to remember that He held the answer, and to trust Him even if He never revealed that answer to me.

Unanswered questions can be fiendish faith destroyers. But faith crises don’t start when Christians begin asking questions. They start when we give up on finding answers. And three great places to find answers include Scripture, solid apologetics resources, and godly mentors. (More on that next time!)

Thinking Biblically

With these tools for evaluating new information, and with apologetics knowledge for answering common questions, you’ll be well set to build strong intellectual foundations. Then you’ll be prepared to defend your hope in Christ with gentleness (1 Peter 3:15) whenever you hear new a faith-challenging message—in college and beyond.  

There’s much more to say—enough to fill a book! Find practical tips for building strong spiritual, intellectual, and interpersonal foundations in the book, Prepare to Thrive: A Survival Guide for Christian Students. 

Patricia Engler Bio Photo

Patricia Engler is a Christian apologetics speaker, writer, and Youth Outreach Coordinator for Answers in Genesis. After 12 years of homeschool and a B.Sc. degree, she backpacked 360°around the world documenting how Christian students keep their faith at university. The top takeaways from this research are available in Patricia’s book, Prepare to Thrive: A Survival Guide for Christian Students. You can follow her stories and get connected through FacebookInstagram, and

Foundations for Christian Students – Part 1

Foundations for Students Article

Walking through the classroom door, I could only imagine what I might be getting myself into. Secular college, I’d heard, would be a spiritual battlefield like none I’d experienced before. Would my faith survive?

As the semester unfolded, I constantly heard messages which contradicted God’s word—like the idea that humans evolved from apelike ancestors over millions of years. This idea lies at the heart of a worldview—a system of thinking about everything in the world—known as secular humanism. A quote from one of my professors summed up this worldview by claiming, “God did not create people; people created God.” 

Although I realized these ideas were false, hearing them taught as fact every day wore on me. What helped me survive with my biblical beliefs intact? The answer comes down to three personal foundations that God had helped me prepare as a teenager:

  • Spiritual foundations: Keeping a close personal walk with God.
  • Intellectual foundations: Being able to logically defend biblical beliefs and answer messages that oppose God’s Word.
  • Interpersonal foundations: Staying surrounded by strong Christian community, including godly family, friends, church, and older mentors. 

After I graduated, I backpacked 360° around the world asking other Christian students about their university experiences. These conversations revealed that, although Christian students face diverse challenges worldwide, the solutions for overcoming those challenges look incredibly similar. They all trace back to having those three foundations I’d needed as a student. 

What are some of the top practical steps that Christian young people can take to develop these foundations? Answering this for all three foundations will take a couple more articles. But for now, let’s start with Spiritual Foundations. 

Walking with God

No student can keep their faith during university unless they have their own faith to begin with. The point isn’t for us to masquerade behind our families’ faith, but to cultivate vibrant personal relationships with God that color our moment-to-moment lives. As a result, we ground our identities in this relationship with Jesus rather than in anything temporary.  

During my own teen years, nothing kindled my desire to pursue God this way more than reading missionary biographies. Stories of ordinary people who witnessed God’s extraordinary faithfulness made me want to know God like that myself, and to approach every aspect of life—even schoolwork and summer jobs—as part of a greater mission with Jesus. With this mindset, I could view challenges in university as opportunities to draw closer to God by giving him my concerns (1 Peter 5:7). 

How to Build Spiritual Foundations

If spiritual foundations involve walking closely with God, how can we build those foundations now—and keep them strong throughout university? Here are three ways: 

  1. Pray

Talking to our heavenly Father is one of the best ways to draw close to God and impact our world. A vibrant prayer life includes not only setting apart daily time to meet with God, but also practicing an ongoing attitude of prayer by transforming whatever we’re doing, thinking, and feeling into opportunities to pray throughout the day. 

  1. Worship

After hearing a tough lecture full of unbiblical messages in college, I remember heading outside to detox my mind by listening to worship. Playing instrumental worship while we work, taking study breaks to sing or listen to worship, and checking the songs in our heads throughout the day are all great ways to stay “in tune” with our Creator. 

  1. Soak in Scripture

Reading God’s Word every day, memorizing verses, and even listening to audio Bibles while going about our day helps us stay filled with Scripture. This, in turn, equips us to spot lies, counter temptation, and live the lives for which we were created. 

Along the way, we can keep our foundations strong by prioritizing daily time with God, being aware of little compromises which could hinder our relationship with God, and drawing biblical boundaries ahead of time—before we face pressure to compromise our convictions.  

Pursuing God

Ultimately, building strong spiritual foundations prepares us not only to thrive as Christians in college but also to live the life we were created for: a life of relationship with God. Then, whichever doors God leads us through—whether into a college classroom or out to the world beyond—we’ll be confident that we’re going there with our Creator. 

There’s much more to say—enough to fill a book! Find practical tips for building strong spiritual, intellectual, and interpersonal foundations in the book, Prepare to Thrive: A Survival Guide for Christian Students.

Patricia Engler is a Christian apologetics speaker, writer, and Youth Outreach Coordinator for Answers in Genesis. After 12 years of homeschool and a B.Sc. degree, she backpacked 360°around the world documenting how Christian students keep their faith at university. The top takeaways from this research are available in Patricia’s book, Prepare to Thrive: A Survival Guide for Christian Students. You can follow her stories and get connected through FacebookInstagram, and

Every Teenager’s Guide to Greater Confidence

We all would like to be more confident, wouldn’t we? What would it feel like to know you knew the right answers to the quiz at school? How would you feel if you knew what to say to your crush?

If we’re honest, confidence for many of us can feel like it’s lacking. Maybe you want to try out for the basketball team, but you wonder if you’ll crack under the pressure of the crowd watching you, so you don’t try out at all. How many times has a lack of confidence stopped you from doing something?

Where does confidence come from?

Where do you go to get confidence when you lack it? Does your confidence come from having the right clothes or the right friends? Is it from likes or followers? What determines how confident you feel on a day-to-day basis?

The Bible describes the person who builds their life or confidence on anything other than God’s word as someone who builds their life on the sand.

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” – Matthew 7:26-27 (NIV)

When we build our confidence on superficial things such as the number of followers we have, or how popular we are, we are building our lives on the sand. When those followers follow someone else more interesting or funny, where will you go to get your confidence?

Instead, the Bible encourages us to build our confidence in Jesus.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. – Matthew 7:24-25 (NIV)

When we build confidence in Jesus, we won’t be shaken by the things of life. When followers leave, you can remain confident because Jesus is the foundation for your confidence. When friends are fickle, you can know that you’re still loved because your confidence is in Jesus.

Jesus is a firm foundation, and when you build your confidence in Him, you are going to stand when the storms of life come your way.

Lasting Confidence is Found in Jesus

If you want confidence that will stand the test of time, then choose to root your confidence in Jesus. Go to your Bible and build confidence in who Jesus says you are. Building confidence through who Jesus says you are will stand the test of time.

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

Jesus isn’t finished with you yet. He’s got good things in store for you, and wants to help you develop the confidence to step out and do those things.

Followers will come and go. Friends will leave you and clothes will change. However, one thing doesn’t change and that’s God’s word. So get to know the Jesus of the Bible and build confidence in Him. He is the one thing that won’t change or give up on you!

Go Deeper

Icon for Teen Devotion

If feelings of doubt or low self-esteem have plagued you, we’ve developed a 5-day devotion to help. God wants you free from doubt, free from low self-esteem so that you can go out and do the things He has called you to do. This 5-day devotion is full of scripture to help you begin to see yourself the way God sees you.

Why Should I Believe the Bible?

In our culture today, there’s been an attack on the authority of God’s word. Popular culture today pokes fun at faith and the Bible. Often, the Bible is often thought of as being outdated, disproven by science, or just not relevant to our lives anymore.

So that leads to the question, is it reasonable to believe the Bible? Is the Bible outdated? Are the principles in it not applicable to our modern world today? Does it not apply to our lives today?

Here are a few things to think about when answering questions like these which will bring you some insight and help you be able to stand firm in the authority of God’s Word.

True Knowledge Comes From God Alone

Without God in our lives, we can’t know right from wrong. If we don’t have God, then we don’t have any standard for moral absolutes. God determines truth, and without God’s word used as the standard to measure truth, then the popular opinion is all that’s left. Then it’s just a matter of what people think is right. If popular opinion decides it’s right in society to kill, then killing is ruled to be ok. Without the truth found in God’s Word, we can’t have a standard to judge or our actions by.

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. – Proverbs 9:10 (NLT)

Knowledge comes from God. God alone should be where we start when learning or knowing things. Without God, our world doesn’t make sense. However, when we realize God’s amazing creative power at work in the universe around us, the world suddenly has meaning and purpose.

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For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. – Proverbs 2:6 (NLT)

Facing life without the Bible, and without God makes life meaningless and empty. If God doesn’t exist and the Bible isn’t real, life doesn’t really have a purpose. If we’re just here for 80-120 years and then die, where’s the purpose in that? Without God, and without the wisdom God brings, life is empty.

With God, we have a purpose. We have meaning. Life is not empty and shallow, but we recognize that we have a purpose and destiny to fulfill. In God, we realize that our lives matter and that we were created on purpose and for a purpose. We begin to fully understand that as we gain wisdom and knowledge from God and from the Bible.

So the Bible is relevant to our lives today because the Bible explains the hope we have in Jesus. Without the truths set out in the Bible, we wouldn’t have hope in Christ.

Some Will Still Choose Not to Believe

I used to believe that if I could find some concrete evidence for God’s existence, that it would lead people to believe. However, some people choose not to believe God even after they’ve seen miracles. Even when presented with sound reasoning as to why the Bible is true and trustworthy, they still won’t believe.

For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, – Romans 1:18 (HSCB)

Some people, even when presented with lots of evidence, miracles, and your testimony will still choose to not believe. Don’t be discouraged, however. Keep standing up for what is right. Keep sharing your faith boldly and know that God’s word produces powerful results.

Facing Life, School, and Critics without the Bible Leaves you Unarmed.

The Bible is a weapon. Yet they’ve taken it out of our public schools. As a Christian, that leaves you without your biggest weapon. God’s word is powerful. It can speak to people’s hearts like no other book can.

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. – Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

Even your best-stated argument is just your opinion. However, when you include the Bible and share God’s word with someone, you’re sharing the truth. And that truth is powerful. The Holy Spirit goes to work on the hearts of those you share God’s word with. Even if they don’t become Christians right away, God’s word is a powerful weapon.

So don’t believe the lie that you need to be neutral and leave the Bible out of the defense of your faith. No. The Bible is the best weapon you have. The truth of God’s word teamed with the Holy Spirit will work on the hearts of those you share with. You might not fully convince them the Bible is true, but the seeds of the word of God planted in their hearts are not wasted and will accomplish something (Isaiah 55:11).

It is reasonable to believe the Bible?

Yes, it is. The Bible makes sense of our world. The Bible tells us that it is the beginning of knowledge. If you try to understand the world without God, you will always come up short. It is in knowing God that we develop true wisdom and knowledge. So when you’re at school and you’re studying science, math, music and any other subject, you can know that you’re able to learn and reason because of the God of the Bible. He put that into you. And if you keep God and the Bible central in your life, you’ll come up with some awesome knowledge and results.

Don’t be ashamed of the Bible or the truths contained in it. They are relevant to our culture, even if they aren’t popular. Don’t go back on what you believe. Instead, stay firm in your faith and know that if you stay true to God’s word, you’ll experience some awesome things in life!

The Importance of God’s Word

Image for the Importance of God's word devotion

In our modern culture, God’s word carries little importance. Some believe the Bible is outdated and doesn’t really apply to our lives today. The TV shows we watch often portray Christians as needing to be freed from religion. Because of the influence of the media and the world, as Christians, we often haven’t given the Bible the proper place in our lives.

God’s Word is Truth

One of the main things we have to settle in our hearts is that God’s word is truth. That means that regardless of what we see or hear in the world, God’s word is truth.

Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. – Proverbs 30:5 (NIV)

The Bible is perfect and it is true. It’s an amazing book and when you read it, you realize that it’s not an ordinary book. It really is the inspired word of God.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” – Isaiah 40:8 (NIV)

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God’s Word is Trustworthy

Many of the events and places recorded in the Bible exist. As they continue to find more archeological evidence, the places named in the Bible are true. The people named in the Bible exist too.

The teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand. – Psalm 119:130 (NLT)

The Bible is not only truth, but we can trust what it says. It has been proven to be accurate.

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God’s Word is Our Starting Point

In everything we do, God’s word should be where we start. Whether we’re making a decision about or future or anything else, if we don’t start with the Bible, then we’re going to get it wrong.

God’s word is the foundation for all our choices, all our decisions, everything we do. And if we don’t start with the Bible, then we’re going to come to the wrong conclusions.

We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NLT)

Any thought we have should be filtered through the truth found in God’s word. If a thought doesn’t line up, we should replace what we think is right with what the Bible says. That way we’ll always be starting with God’s word in all we do.

The Bible is a book like no other. If you’ll get into it and read it, it will change your life. It will help give you purpose and meaning and help you interpret the world around you.

God’s word is special, so spend some time reading it. It will change you into the person God created you to be. Determine to make reading God’s word an important habit in your life today.

If you enjoyed this devotion, you can download small-group discussion questions to go with it here.

How to Live Fear-Free During Coronavirus

It’s really scary how our lives can be changed on a sudden gust. From going out with family, walking along the streets, having friend get-togethers and going even to church, we have to stay at home. The daily grind of everyone had to be readjusted.

Certainly, some of us may be, at this moment, experiencing some anxiety and a bit of loneliness. What’s worse, we are in the middle of chaos; no good news, no good comments, no good life. We may also feel that this virus is about to reach our homes and so, this means the end of our lives.

But, you know what? In Psalm 23:6: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me”. In the international version, the word ‘mercy’ is changed into ‘love’. If you are familiar with going to church, you have heard countless times what people-going-to-church repeat: GOD IS LOVE.

Here’s the secret behind these lines in the bible, even though Coronavirus is chasing us, God also is.

Coronavirus chases you to destroy you, God’s love chases you because he is indeed in love with you, you are his son, his daughter. God has the last word.

 Doesn’t that make sense? Doesn’t that remind you of anything written in the bible?

The devil has come to steal, kill and destroy. God has come to set us free of fear, to love and forgive us, and to direct our paths.

I will leave you with this last verse of the bible, let’s see if you recognize which one it is 🙂

  • Although I may not have food to eat and there is no money at home.
  • Although I may no longer get together with my family, and university classmates.
  • Although one family member of mine may have passed away
  • And I have some who are ill.
  • Although I may have no internet connection, and there’s no way to communicate.
  • Although bad news is all that is reflected on TV,
  • negativity has plagged the social media, and even my home.

Yet, with all this, I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my savior.

Do not forget that God is in control, he is taking care of you. Even when I don’t see it, you’re working, God! You’re the Way Maker.

This is a guest post from Lucas Berón from Argentina. He wrote another devotion for us in 2017 and it’s great to hear from him again! Lucas is 24 and currently, studying to become a teacher. He says: “God has called me son and I wanna share this with everybody. He has come to the fatherless. He’s there to hug us and teach us as well. That’s what I try to share.”

If you’d like to submit a devotion, feel free to use our contact page. Simply paste the devotion into the text box and we will review it and we will let you know if it’s approved.

Help! I Have No Friends

Teen Devotion on Friendships

Have you ever felt like all your friends have left you? Maybe you feel like no one really gets you or cares about you. It’s true, friendships can be tricky, but here are a few secrets to help you make better friendships and to not be disappointed with the ones you have.

  1. Ask yourself: “Am I doing anything to push people away?”
    I was really shy in school and because of that, I didn’t get asked to do much socially.
    Maybe you’re doing things that annoy or drive people away. Be honest and ask yourself if you are doing something that’s pushing others away.
  2. Realize: Not everyone is going to treat you right.
    Even if you do everything right, some people are going to not be kind to you. Some people don’t know God and have no basis for treating others with kindness and respect. Life is full of people who aren’t going to treat you right, so realize that and be ready for it when it happens.
  3. Be Friendly.
    One of the best ways to get friends is to be friendly. Do you ever take the time to listen to others? Do you go out of your way to try to talk to others? Doing these things can help you gain friends!
    “A man who has friends must himself be friendly” – Proverbs 18:24
  4. Get God’s Perspective.
    If you are feeling bad about yourself due to a lack of friendships, don’t. Don’t allow other people to determine your self-worth. Whether you have tons of friends or not, you are worth a ton to God.
    I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made.” – Psalm 139:14

Even if you feel like all your friends have bailed on you, realize that God will never leave you. He’s there to help you and love you. No matter what people do to you, God is on your side. He cares about you like no one else can.

So don’t allow yourself to feel like you’re not important if others don’t always treat you right. People aren’t always going to do the right thing, so you’ve got to choose to let God’s opinion of you be the one that matters.

Teen Devotion on FriendshipsEvery Teenager’s Guide to Successful Friendships

For more tips on friendships, check out our 10-day devotion. It offers practical advice on friendships, scriptures to grow your faith, and lots more.

Why You Shouldn’t Compromise, Even in the Smallest Ways

Teen Devotion on Compromise

It can be really easy to begin to compromise. Many times, you don’t even realize that you’ve compromised in an area. Compromises can happen in big areas of your life, but they also happen in the smaller ones too.

Usually, compromise happens in small things. You wouldn’t probably go out and kill someone because that would be really WRONG. But you might tell a lie or cheat on your homework. It’s easy to justify small compromises.

If left unchecked, small compromises will eventually lead you down a path that you never intended.

Those small compromises can easily grow and before you realize it, you’re compromising in bigger areas too. Do you tell a lie to look better to others? Perhaps you decide to go to a party that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of. Do you date that guy in math class that is really cute, but who you know isn’t a good influence? Each day these small decisions that you make set the tone and direction for your life.

Read: How to Make Better Decisions

Small Choices Matter

Those small choices have gotten you to where you are at so far. Do you like the person you’ve become? Do you make godly choices even in the small things? Have you begun to compromise your beliefs?

The good news is that if you have been compromising, Jesus offers us forgiveness and a fresh start. You can stop compromising and begin living a life full of character.

But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from everything we’ve done wrong. – 1 Jn 1:9 (CEB) 

You Can Choose to Not Compromise

He’s ready to pick you up and help you get started on the right track. You can choose to make good decisions every day. Even though it isn’t always easy to choose to not compromise what you believe, you will be really glad that you made the choice to follow God and not compromise…even in the smallest areas!

Read More: 5 Devotions to Build Character

How Do You Break Free From Compromise?

One of the best ways to break free from compromise is to spend more time with God. Instead of watching Netflix until late at night, switch that for some Bible time. If you don’t like to read, watch a Biblically solid preacher on YouTube or listen to Bible verses being read to you.

To break free from compromise you’ve got to really get into God.

“If you love me, obey my commandments. – John 14:15 (NLT)

It’s so much easier to stay free from compromise when you’re into God. If you really seek God, you’ll find that you don’t want to compromise. You find that you just want to get to know God more.

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The more you get into God, the less fun the compromise is. So if you’ve struggled with compromise, determine to make changes in your life. Choose to take a look at the books you’ve been reading, the friends you’ve been hanging out with, and the things you’ve been watching. Ask God to show you what to say no to so that you can say yes to Him!

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. – Proverbs 8:7 (NIV)

Youth Group Discussion Questions

If this devotion has challenged you to ditch compromise and walk into the plan God has for your life, grab some friends or your youth group and do a study on compromise. We’ve got some discussion questions already made up. Just print them off and show up and see what God does in your group!

What Dodgeball Can Teach You About Reading the Bible


What Dodgeball Can Teach You About Reading the Bible

As a teenager, there is nothing more fun than taking a dodgeball and hurling it with all your might toward a player on the opposing team. Follow that up with the awesome feeling you get when that dodgeball produces that satisfying smack as it hits your target’s body. Playing dodgeball can be a lot of fun, but did you know that you can learn a lot about reading your Bible by playing dodgeball?

There’s A Goal

In Dodgeball, you have a goal. You have to hit as many of the other team’s players with a ball before they hit you and you’re out. We should approach reading the Bible that same way, with a focus and a goal. Reading the Bible shouldn’t be a boring aimless task, but it should have a purpose.

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Phil 3:14 (NIV)

For example, you could read the Bible with the idea in mind that you want to know what God says about your future and the plans He has for your life. You could find verses in the Bible on that topic. Having a goal and a focus like this when reading the Bible helps it from becoming dull and boring.

The Game Changes You

Another thing that can be learned from dodgeball games is that the game changes you. When you start the game, you smell good and your clothes are nice and clean. Usually, by the end of the game, the players are sweaty, and they definitely don’t smell good.

In the same way, that is how we should be after reading the Bible. There is great power available to you in the Bible. It has the power to change your life. The words in the Bible can encourage you when you’re having a bad day. The Bible can also challenge you to be more than you ever imagined you could be. Reading the Bible will change you because the Bible has the power to change your life!

Heb. 4:12 “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective];” (AMP)

The Bible has power in it to change your life! Get into the habit of reading the Bible with a purpose and getting to know God through His word. If you do, it will change your life!

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Pray: God, I thank you for your word. I thank you that it is alive and full of power. I thank you that I can get to know you through your word. I purpose to make reading the Bible a priority in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.