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Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – 1 Peter 5:7

Daily Bible Verse and Daily Devotion on Casting Your Cares and Worries

Today’s Bible Verse on Worry

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. – 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

Its so easy to get stressed out. You can do it without even trying. With all the pressures from school, sports, jobs, parents, and friends its easy to feel lots of pressure to get things done and at times, just plain stressed out.

Today’s Bible verse doesn’t tell us that we won’t experience worry and stress in life, but it does tell us what to do about it. We are challenged to give our worry to God. The great thing about giving something away is that we no longer have it. And that is what we are to do with worry. We are to give it to God and no longer carry it in our life.

When you give your worries and cares to God it frees you up to enjoy life. You can sit back and relax knowing that God is always going to take care of you!