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Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

There are so many promises in God’s word. Maybe there’s one that you’ve been standing on, but you just haven’t seen the results yet. And in your stand, you’ve found that it’s been easy to want to get tired and give up.

Waiting is one of the hardest things about faith. We want God’s promises to happen automatically in our lives. But sometimes, that isn’t the case. And so how do we keep faith when things seem to be so far from what we’d like to see in our lives?

One of the best ways to encourage yourself is to remember the things that God has done for you. Maybe there was the time when you discovered a Bible verse that really encouraged you. Or the prayer for more friends that God answered for you last year. Whatever it is, take some time to remember what God has done for you and thank Him. As you do that, it will cause your confidence in God’s ability to grow. It will cause faith to rise up in your heart and you’ll realize that you do have the courage to stand strong.

So if you’re in one of those times when your faith feels shaky, begin reminding yourself of the things God has done. Read Bible stories about how God came through for others and you’ll find yourself growing stronger in faith. Even if you don’t see the results yet, know that God will come through for you!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 10:17

Romans 10"17 bible verse

So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. – Romans 10:17 (NLT)

Have you ever listened to a song the first time and didn’t like it? But then maybe it kept being played on the radio or a friend really liked it and so you listened to it over and over again. After a few times of listening, the song that you didn’t really like stopped bugging you so much. Then, before you knew it, that song became one of your favorites. There’s power in listening to something time and time again.

The same is true with God’s word. Often we hear a scripture or verse one time and it’s easy to overlook it. But if we dig into it, and get it into our hearts, it can often become life-changing. It’s all about hearing it again and again.

There are truths in God’s word that can be overlooked if we just read them once quickly. However, if we dig beneath the surface, we can often find a life-changing truth. So today, take some time to get into God’s word. Pick a scripture and take a fresh look at it. Really think about what it is saying to you and how it can apply to your life. Faith comes as you hear God’s word over and over again!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Galatians 5:6

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision accomplishes anything; what matters is faith working through love.  – Galatians 5:6

Do you have someone in your life who really loves you? They’re the person you know will always be there for you. They’re the kind of person that you know no matter what happens, they have your best interests at heart. When someone really loves you, it’s easy to put your confidence and trust in them.

Trusting God is the same way. It is easy to have faith and confidence in God when you begin to focus on how much He loves you. The more you realize that God loves you, the easier it is to believe He will take care of you.

The sin underneath all our sins is to trust the lie of the serpent that we cannot trust the love and grace of Christ and must take matters into our own hands – Martin Luther

With all the distractions that life brings, it’s so easy to forget how much God loves us. So let today’s Bible verse be a reminder of how important it is to remind yourself of God’s love. As you grow in love, you’ll grow in faith. Take some time today to think about how much God loves you!

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Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 14:30

Teen Devotion on Faith

What are you passionate about? Is it doing well in the school band? Making the basketball team? Getting your crush in math class to notice you? What is your passion?

When you answer that question, you can probably pinpoint where your focus is. When you’re passionate about something, you focus on it. If you’re passionate about making the basketball team, you spend time after school shooting baskets, lifting weights, and doing whatever it takes to get your body conditioned to make the team.

[Tweet “When you’re passionate about something, you focus on it – @studentdevos”]

The same is true in our spiritual lives. What we focus on is important.

But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. – Matthew 14:30 (NLT)

Peter began well. His focus was on Jesus and He stepped out in faith on what Jesus told him to do. However, Peter started changing his focus. He looked at the storm around him. He saw the waves. Then he did what any rational person would do, he began to fear.

In life, we often begin to look around us. We see all the reasons we can’t do what God is calling us to do. And just like Peter, our faith fails and we stop trusting God.

[Tweet “Faith fails when your focus becomes anything other than Jesus – @studentdevos”]

Teen Devotion on Faith and keeping Jesus your focusWhat we focus on, makes a big difference. If we focus on fear and all the reasons we can’t do something, we will always fail. However, Jesus encourages us to focus on Him.

When we change our focus to Jesus, we win every time. So today, choose to look at Jesus. Tune out the circumstances and the storm and keep your eyes on Jesus and you’ll see a victory in your life!

Today’s Challenge: Keep Your Focus On Jesus

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 11:6

Teen Devotion and Bible Verse on Faith

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. – Hebrews 11:6

Have you ever felt like the thing God was telling you to do was really crazy? I remember a time when God spoke to me to give away all my birthday money. That was hard to do! I was trying to save up my money to buy a new drumset, and I was well on my way toward saving for it. And then God did something crazy! He told me to give all my money away.

Of course, I struggled with that idea. I didn’t want to be even farther away from my goal of getting my drumset. Yet, I knew that God loved me and I knew that He wouldn’t tell me to give away my money to be mean or keep me from getting the thing I wanted so badly.

So I took my birthday money to the church and put it in the offering. Man, that was hard!

And then I kind of forgot about it. I forgot all about the money and just went about doing the things I’d always done. One day, a lady at our church came up to me and gave me a check for the full amount of money I needed to buy my drums. I was so excited.

God had come through for me. I had trusted God with my money and God came through for me even when it seemed crazy.

That’s what faith is. Faith sees God as bigger than the facts. The facts might say that something isn’t possible. However, faith holds on to what God says above all else!

Today’s Challenge: Hold Onto What God says above all else

Teen devotion on faithGod cares about you. He loves you and He responds to those who seek Him. So today challenge yourself to believe God’s love. Believe He cares for you and about you. Trust Him and realize that your faith in Him will keep you going even if it seems bigger than the facts.

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Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 10:17

Teen Devotion on Growing your faithSo faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. – Romans 10:17 (NLT)

I have a friend that has a puppy. When my friend got her dog he was so small and cute. I didn’t see the puppy for a month or two and when I did, I couldn’t believe the transformation. My friend’s dog was huge! He had really grown. With several months of feeding and good care, my friend’s dog had gotten big.

Like my friend’s puppy, when you feed something, it will grow.

When it comes to the things of God, we sometimes don’t take the time to feed them. Instead, we fill our lives up with friends, sports and video games. None of those things are bad, however, they don’t do anything to feed your faith. Just like a dog, your faith needs to be fed to grow.

Today’s Challenge: What will you do today to grow your faith?

Teen Devotion to Grow Your FaithIf you want to do the things God is stirring in your heart to do, you’re going to have to begin to grow your faith. God isn’t going to call you to do something you can do by yourself. So it’s going to take faith to stick it out and see it through.

To grow your faith, you’ve got to spend time digging into God’s word. You might begin by watching some YouTube videos, reading devotions from our website, or downloading the Bible app. It doesn’t matter how you do it, what matters is that you’re making a conscious effort each day to grow your faith.

Determine today that you are going to spend time in God’s word and grow your faith!

If you’d like to grow in God, check out our awesome devotion, Every Teenager’s Guide to Growing in God. It will challenge you and help get you started growing closer to God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 11:1

Teen Devotion on Faith

When I was 12 years old, I took my first mission trip with my church. My youth group was going overseas to do some assemblies at schools to tell children about Jesus. Honestly, I was terrified. I felt a stirring in my heart that God was calling me to go, but I was scared.

I didn’t have the money to go and I knew my parents didn’t have any extra money to help me go either. If I was going, I had to do all my fundraising myself. Raising that much money felt pretty intimidating.

Even though I was afraid, I signed up for the trip. Then, I began raising money. God helped me each step of the way and I was able to raise all the funds I needed to go on the trip.

Isn’t it interesting, how God will often call us to do things that are so much bigger than we can accomplish by ourselves?

[Tweet “God will often call us to do things that are bigger than what we can accomplish on our own – @studentdevos”]

That’s where faith comes in. When we face something that is bigger than we can handle or do on our own, it takes faith to believe that God is going to come through for us. God often will often stir us to do something much bigger than what we can do on our own.

Today’s Truth: Faith feels frightening.

But in those moments where we are not enough, faith is what will carry us on.

Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen. – Hebrews 11:1 (TPT)

Teen Devotion About Faith

When God calls you to do something, it will usually be bigger than just what you can do by yourself. God wants to provide and help you do the things He has called you to do, but it takes faith to believe that. Will you have great faith and do what God is calling you to do?

Today’s Challenge: God is looking for people who will say yes in faith!



Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 11:8

Finding Purpose Takes Faith Teen Devotion - Hebrews 11:8

It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. – Hebrews 11:8 (NLT)

Finding your God-given purpose in life is a process. It may take some time to find your purpose and passion. You will probably make some mistakes and take some wrong turns along the way.

The key is on the journey to not lose faith. It takes faith to follow God’s plan and His leading.

Today’s Take Away – Finding Purpose Takes Faith

In today’s Bible verse, we see that Abraham followed God’s leading for his life. He left his home and went to another land. He didn’t know what to do each step of the way. Abraham made some mistakes too along the way.

However, Abraham kept faith in God. He knew that God would see him through. Abraham followed God in faith, without knowing where he was going.

You might feel the same way sometimes. It might feel like you’re unsure of where you’re going or how God is leading you. The truth is this. God is good: He has your best interests at heart. God is going to lead you on a good path and has good things for you at the end.

[Tweet “God is going to lead you on a good path. He has good things in store for you – @studentdevos”]

It’s just up to you to trust Him and let Him bring good things into your life. Finding your purpose takes faith because it isn’t always easy and doesn’t always make sense. But when you follow God’s plan, you’ll be more fulfilled and find good things along the way.

 If you enjoyed today’s devotion and want to follow along with a PDF version, you can download our 10-day purpose planner. It’s full of devotions to help you discover your God-given purpose.

Other Devotions About Purpose

  1. Day 1 – Your Identity Isn’t Your Purpose.
    Making decisions about your future can seem really scary sometimes. Make them easier by realizing that your purpose is not your identity. Your identity can only be found in Jesus.
  2. Day 2 – Finding Purpose Takes Patience
    God leads us and tells us that our steps are ordered by Him. He doesn’t tell us that He will reveal to us the whole journey.
  3. Day 3 – Finding Purpose Takes Faith
    The key is on the journey to discovering your purpose is to not lose faith. It takes faith to follow God’s plan and His leading.
  4. Day 4 – Purpose Requires Action
    You can daydream amazing things. You can get excited about things that you’d like the future to hold for you. In fact, you can even pray about God’s plan for your life, but if you don’t take action on those things, you won’t end up doing anything for God.
  5. Day 5 – God’s Purpose For You Is Good
    God wants good things for you. He has good things in store for your future

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Mark 9:23

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion mark 9:23

“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” – Mark 9:23

In this verse, Jesus is talking to a dad who is needing a miracle for his son. The dad was struggling with doubt and unbelief concerning whether Jesus could heal his son. Jesus responded to his doubt by saying that anything is possible if a person believes.

What a great statement! Jesus told this man in this verse that anything is possible if we’ll just believe. Jesus did the hard part. He provided the miracle, all the dad had to do was believe Jesus.

Today’s Truth: All things are possible if we will believe Jesus!

The same is true for you. You may need a miracle in your life. You might need something that seems impossible. This verse tells us that we just need to believe. Jesus provided the answer to all of our impossibilities, it’s just up to us to believe that it is true. When we do, we find that all things are possible if we believe Jesus.

Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – Hebrews 11:1

Teen Devotion and Bible Verse on Faith

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1

Faith can sometimes seem like a confusing subject. You can wonder what is faith? Or maybe how do I know if I have faith? This Bible verse helps sort out some of the confusion by defining what faith is.

According to this verse, faith is the evidence of things not seen. Simply put, faith is a lot like your TV. Many times, TV shows will tell you about other countries that are far away from where you live, places that you have never been to and have not seen for yourself. You simply have to believe or have faith that the places your TV shows you exist. You’ve haven’t seen them, yet you believe they exist based on what you see on TV.

That’s exactly what this Bible verse is showing us. There are promises in the Bible that we can’t always see with our physical eyes. Even though we can’t see them, we have to choose to believe that those promises are true. It’s just like how we have to believe the places we see on TV are real.

Faith isn’t complicated, it is just believing the things you read in the Bible are true.